Bee Jump Rope by Picsil (Black)
Made in aluminun with double bearing and no allen wrench.
The only self-adjusting rope in the world, very light and extremely fast.
FLY doing double unders and master the triples.
If you are above 185cm, Please select JumpNRope here.
BEE Fast
Made in aluminum with a double bearing system and a 2mm cable…FLY don’t JUMP.
What does this mean?
Which is as light as a plastic rope, as resistant as the others, as fast as none.
Improve your double under jumps and start to master the triples. Yes, the triples.
BEE Click! Forget the wrenchs.
You’re already bored of adjusting your rope with wrenchs or looking in your Box for a rope of your size.
It’s over!
Press, stretch, drop and jump.
Bee Rope: The world’s first self-adjusting rope
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